Geiss wants to make sure that seniors have access to services and can continue to be robust and active members of our communities. Geiss supports restoring funding to such programs as Meals on Wheels, ensuring access to health care, protection from abuse and fraud, and reducing the cost of prescription drugs, and she will prioritize these issues as your state senator. She also supports eliminating the pension tax, so that retirees can keep more of their hard-earned savings.
As a member of the democratic caucus, Geiss has supported legislation that would reduce the cost of prescription drugs and price gouging by pharmaceutical companies through the health care bill of rights. She is also a co-sponsor of the Patient Protection Act, which would create minimum staffing levels for nurses, who are so vital to patient care.
During her first term, Geiss sat on the House Standing Committee for Health Policy, and she supported legislation to address such issues as the opioid crisis and the CARE Act, which provides family caregivers with the basic information and training they need when loved ones go into the hospital and when they transition home. Geiss also supports measures that would allow seniors to remain in their homes when possible instead of being immediately placed into a convalescent facility.
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