JOIN #TeamGeiss TODAY!
Current State Senator for the 6th Senate District (D-Taylor)
Actively involved with community groups including, Beaumont Teen Health Center-Taylor Advisory Board, Taylor Substance Abuse Prevention Task Force, and other community groups; for nearly a decade on the PTO at her children's elementary school
Experienced Leadership Senate Democrats Caucus Chair, Democratic Vice Chair of the Insurance and Banking and Transportation and Infrastructure Standing Committees
Executive Vice Chair of the Michigan Legislative Black Caucus
Works tirelessly for the people of her district
Married 18 years. Mother of two school-aged children
Previous Union member of the American Federation of Teachers; 3rd-generation Union family.
Co-Chair of the Environmental Justice Caucus
Downriver resident for nearly 20 years.

Erika Geiss is recognized as a 2022 Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate for Michigan State Senate District 1.

The General Election is
Tuesday, November 8th!
Make your plan to VOTE!
Click here to find your local Clerk's office, check your polling location, view your sample ballot, and more on the Michigan Voter Information Center website.
View the growing list of endorsements for Erika in the 2022 election season including receiving the Voters Not Politicians' Pro-Voter Approval endorsement. (Click "endorsements" to view the full list.)
TeamGeiss has lawn signs ready. To request yours, click here.
Be sure to include your name and full address in the email so that we can make sure we have you (and your lawn) covered. (And please let us know if it's a residential or a business property.)
You can also pick up lawn signs at the Democratic Club of Taylor (DCT) located at 23400 Wick Road (between Telegraph and Pardee roads). If you pick up a lawn sign at the DCT, use your phone's camera to scan the QR code on the sheet above the signs and complete the information in the auto-generated email link. You can also click here to email TeamGeiss with your sign location.